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Domestic Goods Certificate

Purpose of Issuing Domestic Goods Certificate

Article 63 of the Public Procurement Law No. 4734; "The participation of only domestic bidders in the tenders whose approximate costs are below the threshold values; 15% in favor of the domestic bidders who bid the goods determined by the Authority as domestic goods, by taking the opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other relevant institutions and organizations in the procurement of goods," Since the administrations may make provisions in the tender document on the issue of providing a price advantage of up to is called.

Domestic Goods Certificate Application Documents

1. Petition (You can download from the link below)

2. Industrial Registry Certificate (The validity period will continue)

3. Local Contribution Rate Account Statement (You can download from the link below)    
          “Local Contribution Rate Account Statement” consists of 4 pages (Annex.3-A, Annex.3-B, Annex.3-C and Annex.3-D) and must be filled in completely.

4. Commitment (You can download from the link below)

5. Circular of Signature (Signature circular must contain the signature of the company representative) original or notarized copy

6. If the document is signed by the Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Accountant Activity Certificate

7. If signed by the Certified Public Accountant, a copy of the contract signed with the firm and a copy of the Financial Advisory Certification Agreement showing that the Consultant is authorized on behalf of the firm.

8. Copy of Customs Entry Declaration and invoice regarding the origin of the raw materials used in production

9. Only for food producers, a food business registration or approval certificate is also requested along with the above documents.

How Are Domestic Goods Certificate Issued?

- The requester applies to our chamber with the application documents. The fee is paid according to the room fee schedule. As a result of all these completed documents, a "Domestic Goods Certificate" is issued for the products specified.

As of 01 January 2020, 125 TL must be deposited to TOBB's account number (TR210001500158007293586413 -VAKIFLAR BANKASI CENTRAL BRANCH) for each application, except for the fee to be paid to the room.

Domestic trade, different from international trade, is the exchange of domestic goods within the boundaries of a country. This may be sub-divided into two categories, wholesale and retail. Wholesale trade is concerned with buying goods from manufacturers or dealers or producers in large quantities and selling them in smaller quantities to others who may be retailers or even consumers. Wholesale trade is undertaken by wholesale merchants or wholesale commission agents.

Retail trade is concerned with the sale of goods in small quantities to consumers. This type of trade is taken care of by retailers. In actual practice, however,manufacturers and wholesalers may also undertake retail distribution of goods to bypass the intermediary retailer, by which they earn higher profits.